Welcome to the EventScotland Applicant Portal

This online platform has been designed to streamline all funding enquiries, applications and manage funding awards.

Applying for funding from EventScotland is a two-step process.

Step One

Submit an EventScotland - Enquiry Form. All applicants are required to complete an Enquiry Form before submitting a funding application. Please note, an Enquiry Form must be completed for each individual event whether you have received funding in the past or not. To submit an Enquiry Form, please click on the ‘Enquiry Form’ button above and select ‘Events Enquiry Process’ on the page to submit information about your event and enquiry. Enquiries can be submitted all year round.

Step Two

Submit an application. Once you have submitted an Enquiry Form, it will be reviewed by a member of the EventScotland team. Enquiries which are potentially eligible for funding will then be given instructions via your preferred method of contact on how to apply.

For any queries that you have using the Funding Portal, please email apply@eventscotland.org for assistance. Please note, this email is monitored during business hours (9am – 5pm), Monday to Friday.

This application should be filled in using a desktop screen for the best experience. Contact apply@eventscotland.org if you require an accessible version of the form.